When a US Navy vessel arrives or departs from the military bases in Pearl Harbour, the crew of the ship line up in dress uniform (pearly whites). They stand to attention at arms length on the outer edges of the deck, in salute to the soldiers, sailors and civilians who died during World War II. It’s a stirring tribute and participants often list it among the most memorable moments of their military career. Even for spectators on the shore, the salute triggers an incredible emotional connection, but especially between the servants of today and the servants of yesterday. It grants nobility to the work of today’s sailor, while giving dignity to the sacrifice of those from the past.
When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26-29), it was surely with an eye toward creating something of the same kind of emotional bond. Our participation at the Lord’s Table honours His sacrifice while also granting us a connection to Him, unlike any other act of remembrance. Just as the US Navy carefully prescribes the way it salutes the fallen, so too [Jesus taught us how to remember His sacrifice (1 Corinthians 11:26-28). The acts of sharing communion with] reverence and thanksgiving serve to honour the past [and what Jesus accomplished for us] whilst also giving purpose to the present, as we serve Him and await His return.
Source: Randy Kilgrove, Our Daily Bread devotional, 7/12/2011 (adapted)