Soren Kierkegaard tells the story of a boy trying to learn arithmetic. The teacher gives him a book full of problems to solve. In the back of the book is a list of answers to the problems, but the teacher instructs the boy never to look at the answers in the back of the book. Instead he is to work out the answers for himself. As the boy does his homework. He cheats. He looks in the back of the book and gets the answers first; finding it much easier to work out the problems if he knows the answers in advance. Kierkegaard points out that while it is possible for the boy to get good grades this way, he will never really learn mathematics. As difficult as it may prove to be, the only way to become a mathematician is to struggle with the problems itself, not by using someone else’s answers, even if those answers are the right ones. – It’s obvious on life’s journey we are faced with problems, and we sometimes wonder why Jesus doesn’t just spell out the answers so that we know exactly what to do. According to Kierkegaard, God doesn’t give us the answers because He wants to force us to work out the problems for ourselves. It is only by struggling with the problems as they present themselves, day in day out, that we can develop into the kinds of mature people God wants us to be.
Source: Tony Campolo, Let Me Tell You A Story, p.8-9
“Let the problems of yesterday die with the dusk and the opportunities of tomorrow will rise with the dawn.”
The squeakiest wheel needs the most oil.
“Houston, we’ve had a problem,” were the words of Jim Lovell on the evening of 13 April 1970. Nearly fifty-six hours into the mission to the moon, an explosion aboard the spacecraft plunged the crew into a fight for their survival. Within less than a minute there was a cascade of systems failures throughout the spacecraft. “It was all at one time – a monstrous failure,” said NASA’s flight controller.
The spacecraft looped around the moon, using its gravity to return to earth. Millions of people followed the drama on television. Eventually, the capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean near Tonga.
‘Although the mission was not a success from a conventional perspective, it was a triumph of ingenuity and determination,’ wrote Paul Rincon, science reporter for the BBC in an article headed ‘Apollo 13: From Disaster to Triumph’. Jim Lovell said that it showed the people of the world that even if there was a great catastrophe it could be turned into a success.
The supreme example of triumph coming out of apparent catastrophe is the cross. What seemed to the world to be the ultimate defeat, was in fact the ultimate triumph. The crucifixion of Jesus shows that God can be glorified in what appears to be a defeat. This is the moment of Jesus’ greatest triumph.
Source: Nicky Gumbel, Bible in One Year – Alpha, Day 150 of 365
Don’t share your problems with other people. Eighty percent of them don’t care anyway, and the other twenty percent are actually glad!
Keith DeGreen
To not realise what it is you want is a problem of knowledge.
To not pursue what it is you want is a problem of motivation.
To not achieve what it is you want is a problem of persistence.
Do you know what a conqueror is? A conqueror is “one who overcomes by gaining control.” And Paul says we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). The Greek word declares that we are super-conquerors and that we can have overwhelming victory. If we put our lives in God’s hands and rely on the power of Christ’s resurrection, nothing can devastate us. Nothing can swallow us up or destroy us. That’s the message of the resurrection and the heart of the Good News. – No matter how dark a situation may be, God can turn it around. No matter how hopeless life seems, God brings hope. The same power that enabled Jesus Christ to rise from the dead allows us to rise above our problems.
Rick Warren
Rick Warren, God’s Power To Change Your Life, 2006, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, p.19, 26
Look in a mirror and you’ll see two things – your problem and your solution.
Count your blessings; name them two by two.
Count your blessings; name them four by four.
Count your blessings; name them by the score.
Count your blessings; there are still millions more.
There was once a wise old ruler who became concerned with the unrest and discontent of his subjects? It was as though his people were always moaning and complaining about something or other. It seemed that each had a “cross” to bear and their displeasure and discontent was beginning to consume them. The wise old king decided it was time to get things into perspective, so he invited his subjects to gather before him so that they could openly voice all of their problems, troubles and complaints.
Well the people came from all around and a great audience gathered before the king. Then, one by one they began to share their tales of woe; each complaining of unfairness or ill-treatment or various problems with neighbours, work, family, griping on about their unfortunate circumstances. When eventually the last man had spoken, the wise king stood and gave counsel. He suggested that each person should exchange his problem with one of his neighbours. A silence then descended upon the court as each person contemplated the King’s advice and then a very strange thing happened. One by one, the people turned and began to walk away, no longer discontented. For when the opportunity was presented to actually swap places with someone else, the people decided to keep their own problems and deal with them, rather than exchange them for new and unknown ones.
Think about it. Everyone has problems. Would you really want to swap yours for someone else’s? Remember there is always someone worse off than you. The fact is, life is tough and we all experience hard and difficult times. Certainly everyone enjoys good times as well but, on the whole, life is never easy and life is not always fair. So then, don’t bemoan your lot. Instead, grit your teeth and get on with trying to do something to improve it.
R. Ian Seymour
R. Ian Seymour, excerpt from Discover Your True Potential
The law of nature teaches us that winters always happen right after the time of harvest. The same is usually true to life: problems tend to follow blessings. The key to getting through the winters of life is to regroup, plan and start planting again in preparation for the spring.
For every problem
Under the sun,
There’s a solution
Or there’s none.
If there’s a solution,
Then go and find it.
And if there isn’t,
Then never mind it.
“Human Beings are like tea bags: You don’t know your own strength until you get into hot water.”
Bruce Laingen, (American hostage held in Iran for 444 days)
“The only place in the world where people don’t have problems is a graveyard!”
Norman Vincent Peale
“The truth of the matter is that life is not fair, and the sooner we figure that out the better.”
Paul J. Meyer
Count your blessings not your troubles
“Some people count their blessings but most think their blessings don’t count.” – Anon.
Too often we talk to God about how big our problems are. We should be talking to our problems about how big our God is!
Joel Osteen
“He is wise who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”
Epictetus (?50 - ?120 A.D.), Greek philosopher
Always remember to forget
The things that make you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that make you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck to you.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.
an Old Irish Blessing
Don’t fix the blame; fix the problem!
“It never costs as much to fix the problem, as it does to not to fix the problem.”
Jeffrey Gitomer
“The first rule of holes: When you are in one, stop digging.”
Molly Ivins, columnist
“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.”
Charles F. Kettering (1876-1958), inventor
“Birds sing after the storm, why shouldn’t we?”
Mrs. Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (1890-1995), mother of the US Kennedy dynasty
My problem is that when I sing I don’t sound much like a nightingale; more like a gale in the night! – Anon.
Better never trouble Trouble
Until Trouble troubles you;
For you only make your trouble
Double-trouble when you do.
David Keppel
“Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.”
Henry Ford
“If you are in debt, cheer up and sing. Remember the birds have bills and that’s what they do.”
“In times like these it is good to remember that there have always been times like these.”
Paul Harvey, broadcaster