Are you a Christian pastor, preacher, teacher or evangelist? Choose from thousands of illustrations, stories, quotes, jokes (and more!) in our free library. Using stories and illustrations to empower your message follows the example that Jesus set as ‘The Master Storyteller’ (Matthew 13:34).
Memorial Poem, titled: ‘I’m there inside your heart’ Right now I’m in a different place And though we seem far apart I’m closer than I ever was more ...
One of my favourite stories about intercessory prayer comes from Tony Campolo. A prayer meeting was held for him just before he spoke at a Pentecostal college chapel service. Eight more ...
Source: Cited in The Life You’ve Always Wanted, by John Ortberg, 2002, Michigan USA, Zondervan, p.104-105
Nicky Gumbel, founder of Alpha, says: “The secret of guidance is having a close relationship with God. God made us to be thinking beings. He guides our minds as we more ...
Nicky Gumbel, Bible in One Year – Day 110 of 365
We were rescued for a purpose: We are saved to serve. Rick Warren puts it this way: ‘God created, saved, called and commanded you to live a life of service more ...
Rick Warren (Source: taken from a daily reading plan from YouVersion Bible app.)
Take time to THINK... it is the source of power. Take time to PLAY... it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to READ... it is the fountain of more ...
Ernest Hemingway wrote a story about a father and rebellious son. The son had done wrong and in his shame he ran away from home. In the story the father more ...
Source: John Maxwell, 1999, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, p.19-20
Joy is not the same thing as happiness; it is something far deeper than that. Happiness comes from happenings or circumstances. Joy is different: it goes deeper. Joy is an more ...
Source: adapted from The UCB Word For Today , 9/2/2017
Man is the Cosmic Orphan. He is the only creature in the universe who asks, “Why?” Other animals have instincts to guide them, but man has learned to ask questions more ...
Loren Eiseley
God calls you to a service far beyond anything you could ever imagine. You were put on Earth to make a contribution. You weren’t created just to consume resources more ...
Rick Warren
Rick Warren (Source: taken from a daily reading plan from YouVersion Bible app.)
Are you ready for the greatest coaching advice in all of recorded history? Are you ready for a game plan that will ensure your ability to walk in victory and more ...
Source: A Jolt of Joy, devotional on YouVersion, day 22 of 31