Biblical Example
Matthew in Luke 5:27-32
Theme verse
1 Corinthians 9:22
…I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
- Conversational
- Compassionate
- Sensitive
- Friendship-oriented
- Focuses on people and their needs
- Watch out for valuing friendship over truth. Presenting the gospel often means challenging a person’s whole direction in life, and that can cause friction in your relationship.
- Do not get so involved in the process of building friendships that you forget the opportunity to share your faith.
- Do not get overwhelmed with the amount of needs your friends might have—do what you can and leave the rest to God.
Suggestions for using and developing this style
- Be patient. This style tends to work more gradually than others. Look and pray for opportunities to turn conversation toward spiritual matters.
- Continually create and plan opportunities to interact with new people through social events, sports, etc. This will put you in a position where your style can flourish.
- Practice telling the gospel message so you will be prepared when the opportunity arises.
- Team up with friends who have other styles that may be better matched to the personality of the person you hope to reach.