Consider how a walnut grows. If you crack open the shell you’ll find that the walnut has grown to fill every bit of space that is available to it. The walnut has no particular say in the size or the shape of the shell, and it doesn’t matter what limitations are imposed upon it, the walnut simply grows until it achieves its full potential. That’s what we should do; keep on growing until we reach our full potential.
“The rungs of a ladder were not meant to rest upon, but only to support you long enough to enable you to reach for something higher.”
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), English biologist and author
Success depends upon performance not potential!
“Go to every conference, meeting and seminar you can get to. Why? Because some of them are going to be life changing events but you don’t know which ones they are.”
Jim Rohn
May God give you more than you can ever think or ask;
May He use you far beyond the boundary of your task.
May God lead you further than your vision can yet see;
May He mould you, day by day, more perfectly.
May God guide you and keep you in the way He sees best;
And may he bless you so that every life you touch is blessed.
There is the potential of abundant fruit stored up within every man. If you will just labour and toil and persevere the harvest season eventually arrives. Then the fruit is produced almost effortlessly.
“There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.”
Benjamin Franklin
Usually a tombstone – indeed your own tombstone if you die before Jesus comes back – usually a tombstone has written on it, a date of birth and the date of death with a hyphen or dash in between. It is the dash in between that matters… how you lived your life to honour and serve the Lord. One of the greatest tragedies of life is that people grow old without ever discovering their purpose or fulfilling their potential. What a waste! Make sure that when it’s your funeral people have more to say than just, “He loved his family, he enjoyed fishing and bowling, and he loved his garden!” Determine to live a life of purpose and make a positive difference.
R. Ian Seymour
“Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, novelist and dramatist.
A famous study in the classroom by Robert Rosenthal, a Harvard psychologist, and Lenore Jackson, a San Francisco school principle furnishes us with a good illustration of this. They asked the question: Do some children perform poorly in school because their teachers expect them to? If so, they surmised, raising the teacher’s expectations should raise the children’s performance as well. So a group of kindergarten through fifth-grade pupils were given a learning ability test and the next fall the new teachers were casually given the names of five or six children in the new class who were designated as “spurters”; the tests supposedly revealed that they had exceptional learning ability.
What the teachers did not know was that the test results had been rigged and that the names of these “spurters” had been chosen entirely at random. At the end of the school year, all the children were retested, with some astonishing results. The pupils whom the teachers thought had the most potential had actually scored far ahead, and had gained as many as 15 to 27 I.Q. points. The teachers described these children as happier, more curious, more affectionate than average, and having a better chance of success in later life. The only change for the year was the change in attitudes of the teachers. Because they had been led to expect more of certain students, those children came to expect more of themselves. “The explanation probably lies in the subtle interaction between teacher and pupils,” speculates Rosenthal. “Tone of voice, facial expressions, touch and posture may be the means by which – often unwittingly – teachers communicate their expectations to their pupils.”
Source: Alan Loy McGinnis, Bringing Out The Best in People, p.32-33
“Our potential is God’s gift to us but what we do with our potential is our gift to God.” – Anon.
God wants you to grow! He created the very idea of growth. The Talmud says that every blade of grass has an angel bending over it, whispering, “Grow, grow.”
– John Ortberg
Put a goldfish in a bowl and you restrict its growth – you physically limit its potential. But put a goldfish in a pond and, depending on the number of other fish, it will grow in proportion to the size of its environment. The larger the pond the larger the fish. You see, in life everything strives to be all that it can be. It’s the law of nature to do so. Consider a sapling tree; how tall will it grow. The answer is, just about as tall as it possible can. And that’s the same for each one of us: We must not restrict our personal growth with limited thinking, rather we should continually be striving to maximise our potential and become all that we possibly can be.
R. Ian Seymour
“If we did all the things we were capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Thomas Edison
“Man has two creators – God and himself. His first creator furnishes him with his raw material and his moral conscience with which he can make of his life what he will. His second creator, himself, has marvellous powers he rarely realizes. It is what a man makes of his capacities that counts.”
William George Jordan (1864-1928)
Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language defines potential as “existing in possibility, not in act.” Potential cannot manifest without form. Like concrete it must have something to be poured into, something to give it shape and make it useful. To develop potential properly you must have a plan and pray over that plan, you must have a purpose, and you must be doing something. – Joyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer, Ending Your Day Right, daily devotional on YouVersion, day 10 of 14
“The most important thing we can do with our lives is to understand our purpose and release our potential so that we can plant seeds – seeds of hope, love, encouragement, and faith – in the lives of others.”
Keith Harrell, author and speaker
“Why on earth, except to grow?”
Robert Browning (1812-1889), English poet
“You will be the same in 5 years’ time except for the people you meet and the books you read.”
Charlie Jones (writer and speaker)
Improve by just 0.3% a day and in a year’s time you will be over 100% better off.
You can’t harvest the fruits if you haven’t planted the roots.
Stephen Covey
“Every water fall, no matter how big or small, started out in life as a single drop of water. Think about it.”
R. Ian Seymour
“It is best for a man to grow where he is planted.”
John Wanamaker (1838-1922), U.S. businessman and pioneer of the department store
Every oak started out as an acorn.
“A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be.”
Abraham Maslow
May the LORD, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised.
Deuteronomy 1:11 NIV