When it comes to the Tribulation or the Rapture or the Millennium (Christ’s thousand year reign), Bible scholars hold different views on these subjects. ‘The Premillennialists view holds that Jesus will return to earth prior to the inauguration of the millennium; prior to Christ’s reign for 1,000 years in a golden age of peace – mentioned in Revelation chapter 20. The Amillennialists view holds that the thousand years mentioned in Revelation 20 is a symbolic number, not a literal description; and that the millennium has already begun and corresponds with our current church age. And then there’s the Postmillennialists view, which sees Christ’s second coming as occurring after (post) the millennium, when there will be a golden age in which the church and Christian ethics prosper. Personally, I fall into another category: I’m a “pan-millennialist.” I believer that Christ will return and everything will ‘pan’ out just as God wants it to! – The wonderful thing is, whatever view theologians take on the Tribulation, the Rapture and the Millennium, everyone agrees on the indisputable fact that Jesus is coming again.’