A teenage girl, thinking about a future husband, once versed a poem, in the form of a prayer. Here it is:
‘Dear God, I pray all unafraid,
As girls are wont to be,
I do not want a handsome man,
But make him, Lord, like Thee.
I do not need one big and strong,
Nor yet so very tall,
Nor need he be some genius
Or wealthy, Lord, at all;
But let his head be high, dear God,
And let his eyes be clear,
His shoulders straight, whate’er his fate,
Whate’er his earthly sphere.
And let his face have character,
A ruggedness of soul,
And let his whole life show, dear God,
A singleness of goal.
And when he comes, as he will come,
With quiet eyes aglow;
I’ll know, dear Lord,
That he’s the man
I prayed for long ago.’
The name of the young girl who penned this verse was Ruth Bell. The man that she eventually met and married was Billy Graham