Some would say that because God loves people, and because it is God’s desire that none should perish; because God is love; that people won’t go to hell. That is the popular reasoning of the day we live in. It is true that hell was created for the devil and his demons, and not for people (Matthew 25v41). But Jesus talks a lot about hell, outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth. It takes a lot of work to make the Bible say that there is no hell for people and even more work to say everyone goes to Heaven. This concept of Universalism is from hell itself, as it strips the Church of any sense of urgency and accountability for embracing the Great Commission. If Universalism were true, there would be little need for the bulk of Scripture, as it would become pointless in a world where all roads lead to the same place.
Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson, God is Good, 2016, USE: Destiny Image Publishers, p.106