Mark Batterson writes: ‘I remember before I gave my life over to Christ, feeling lost and lacking direction and purpose. My life reminded me of that joke about an airline pilot who came over the intercom and said, “I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is we’re completely lost; the good news is we’re making great time!” That’s what my life felt like, but it wasn’t a joke. I was lost and life, or the meaning of life, was eluding me and passing me by.’

The truth is, as Christians we still often feel like that, lost and seeking direction, but the difference now is that we know what our purpose is, and we know where we are heading; where our destination is. One thing I’ve discovered in the Christian life is that God is never in a hurry, but He is always on time. As long as we’re heading in the right direction God wants us to enjoy the journey… walking with Him, daily. You remember Jesus said that we should pray daily asking our Father, to give us this day our daily bread… to supply our needs for today. Why did He say we should ask daily? For the same reason the Israelites were only allowed to collect enough manna for one day at a time when they journeyed in the desert. So we’d learn to depend upon Him daily as pilgrims as we journey through life. Learn to enjoy the journey. Don’t simply mope around waiting for the Promised Land!’

Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker, 2011, Michigan: Zondervan, p.29