Hollow or (FUL)filled? Hollow people kid themselves and others that they are something that really they are not. Like the overly large man who stepped on to some public weighing scales, not realising they were out of order. He put his coin into the machine and then watched as the dial spun round to 32kg (5 stones) and stopped. The next person in the queue smiled and said, “You must be hollow!”

Many people are like that: on the outside they are big in material possessions and looks etc., but on the inside they are empty, hollow and unfulfilled. That’s because fulfilment in this world is never found in riches and material wealth alone; fulfilment is found as a bi-product of self-sacrifice and service. At the end of the day it is relatively easy to make a good living, but it’s a lot harder to make a difference.

R. Ian Seymour

Hollow or (FUL)filled? Hollow people kid themselves and others that they are something that really they are not. Like the overly large man who stepped on to some public weighing scales, not realising they were out of order. He put his coin into the machine and then watched as the dial spun round to 32kg (5 stones) and stopped. The next person in the queue smiled and said, “You must be hollow!”

Many people are like that: on the outside they are big in material possessions and looks etc., but on the inside they are empty, hollow and unfulfilled. That’s because fulfilment in this world is never found in riches and material wealth alone; fulfilment is found as a bi-product of self-sacrifice and service. At the end of the day it is relatively easy to make a good living, but it’s a lot harder to make a difference.

R. Ian Seymour