One Christmas morning during my childhood, my parents came downstairs and began handing out the presents from under the tree. One for my brother, Tony, one for Steven, one for Chris, another one for Tony, one for Mum, another one for Chris and so it went on, as the pile of gifts under the tree diminished rapidly. It seemed that everyone else had something, some even had two or three, but there was nothing for me. In actual fact, my parents had been saving the best gift, my present, until last. When they saw me becoming more and more despondent, the ceremony around the tree was put on hold, and I was taken by the hand to the garage where my gift, the biggest of them all, was waiting for me. My very first bicycle!

The fact is every member of the body of Christ has been given some spiritual gift. If you think you have been overlooked in that department think again. Often our gifts are there all the time; hidden perhaps, dormant maybe, but nevertheless they are there waiting for you to get involved. And often it seems the case, to me at least, that the longer you search for your gifts the bigger they are when you finally discover them. – R. Ian Seymour

R. Ian Seymour, excerpt from Discover Your True Potential